Discover the NEW Secret to Make Any Man Miss You

January 23, 2020

You recently met a guy online and you’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks. He brings you on nice dates, tells captivating stories, and loves listening to you talk about everything from your dreams to your day-to-day.

You’re mesmerized by the moments you spend together and can’t stop replaying each date in your mind after you leave. 

You hope he feels the same way and want to figure out what you can do to make him miss you the same way you do when he’s not around. 

So, what does it take for a man to get you stuck on his mind? I’m going to let you in on a brand new secret I recently uncovered…

Discovering a Man's Diamond

This secret is completely different from generic advice you’ve been given to make any man miss you. It doesn’t have to do with shallow things like a sexy outfit or sweet-smelling perfume… 

It goes much deeper. The secret is discovering a man’s “diamond.” This means realizing the unique gift he contributes - then admiring it and helping him grow a deeper appreciation for it. 

You see, most people spend their entire life ignoring their unique gift to fit inside of a societal “circle”.  

So, you can differentiate yourself from any woman if you can show the man you’re dating that his gifts and talents are valuable. It’s similar to a mother beaming with pride and joy when you see a man’s diamond – and we all know men seek this same acceptance and love.

By discovering his diamond, he will see you as someone who lifts him up and sees the best in him. This will make him want to be around you even more and miss you when you are away.  

To be able to recognize a man’s diamond, you need to learn how to hone your appreciation skills. You can even think about it like a muscle that needs to be developed. 

Once you are filled with appreciation and gratitude, you’ll be able to easily see the hidden gift in the man you are dating. 

How can you get started? 

Practice Appreciation and Gratitude 

woman holding coffee cup while writing

There are a few ways to practice appreciation and gratitude. These are my top two favorites. 

  1. Write a gratitude list. It could include anything from your family to your stable job. Or maybe you’re grateful for friends who you can trust. Writing a gratitude list will help you realize you have a lot to be thankful for and begin to see the positive side of life and those around you. 
  2. Another great tactic to use to help you practice gratitude is giving compliments to strangers. This doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or creepy, although it may not come to you naturally. Simply decide to give one compliment a day to anybody. You could tell the barista at the coffee shop, “Wow, you’re handling the crowds so well this morning. You’re doing a great job!” or tell a coworker they’ve been helpful and you appreciate their input.  

Ask yourself throughout the day, “Who can I appreciate in my life?”

One of my clients, Mia, really honed this skill. When I first met Mia, she was fed up with men. She had dated many guys and they all seemed the same in her mind - big man-babies who needed to be waited on hand and foot.

Through my program, Mia learned how men think and what she needed to do to attract the right kind of guys - unlike the ones she ended up with in the past. After following my step-by-step attraction system, Mia met an amazing guy named Brian. 

Brian had a good job in marketing...but his real passion was writing short stories and poetry. He mentioned this offhand one time to Mia - and after enough pressing, she got him to show her some of the writing he did in his free time. Mia couldn’t believe it. He was truly talented. And shockingly, she was one of the only people he ever showed his writing to! 

You see, Brian was teased by his older brothers and people growing up about his sensitive side and didn’t want to provoke anymore mean comments from them or anyone else. But Mia wouldn’t accept this fear that was holding Brian back. She told him the world needed to see his talent and asked if she could submit one of his poems to a poetry contest. He hesitated and said he would have to think about it. 

In the end, he agreed but said that she could pick one of his poems, submit it, and he didn’t want to hear about it when it got rejected. A month went by...and Mia showed up to his house pounding on his door. He answered it and she was jumping up and down. She was shaking a paper in her hand screaming, “You won!”

One year later, Brian retold this story at their wedding with tears in his eyes. He held Mia’s hand and said, “You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Without you, I’d be hiding in my office scribbling notes the rest of my life, angry and alone. But bring color into my life. You are the kind of woman people write love stories about (including me!). I’m so lucky to have met the woman of my dreams…” 

This is one of my favorite stories because it shows how being a positive person in someone’s life can have a huge effect on them. And remember, Mia wasn’t always this happy, positive person - especially when she began working towards finding love. But after she had learned how to practice appreciation and gratitude and let go of her negative feelings, she was able to meet someone who was her perfect match and bring out this incredible side of him. He became a better person for her and for himself, and eventually an amazing father to their two children. 

After you practice appreciation and gratitude, you’ll have an easier time finding a man’s diamond. But if you’re really struggling with this, try starting at a different place. You’ll want to…

Develop Forgiveness, Patience, and Understanding

woman sitting near open window

Developing forgiveness, patience, and understanding is obviously much easier said than done. But it’s so important to be a patient and understanding person if you want a man to make a man miss you…

This is because discovering the diamond inside a man isn’t always simple. It takes understanding and patience to see the best in someone. But learning to develop these qualities won’t just help you see the best part of the man you’re dating, it will also help you be a great partner and lead to you having a healthier relationship. 

Here’s how you can get started:

Ask yourself, “Have I ever committed [insert the thing you’re angry about here]?

For example, I held resentment towards this kid from my high school.  We got pressured from other kids to fight each other and he cracked me over the head with a 40oz beer bottle.  I held resentment for years towards him.

How could he do that to me?  I was just 16 years old and a pretty innocent kid.  I definitely felt like a victim and blamed him completely but a few years later, I had a chance to see him and talk to him again.  He apologized to me and it turned out, he was pressured to do it by some bigger bullies.  He was afraid and didn’t know what to do.

There is no reality, only perception. And by becoming aware of our own character weaknesses, we can learn to forgive others for theirs.

In addition to realizing you have also committed errors, you can practice mindfulness. A good way to do this is to write down your thoughts or what you need to do that is making you upset. Writing these things down will help you release them from your mind and calm down. Incredible things can happen for you when you’re patient and understanding. Let me give you an example. 

My friend, Charlotte, did an incredible job bringing out the diamond in the man she was dating by being patient and understanding. You see, the guy she was with, Scott, is dyslexic. He longed to be a great speaker so he could expand his business, but never thought he could because of his dyslexia.

Charlotte, who is a teacher, told him he had a gift and she wanted to help him. She really believed he was capable of being a great speaker and told him she wouldn’t let him settle for less. Charlotte taught him how to write a simple outline to help guide him as he stood up on stage. And now, he’s able to deliver punchy, impactful speeches with no problem. 

Scott didn’t take Charlotte’s gesture lightly. The fact that she believed in him and helped him achieve his goal made him think of her differently. He saw her as the kind of woman he would like to spend the rest of his life with. Only a few months later, they were engaged. And now, they’ve been together for over twenty years. 

By being patient and understanding, you’ll be able to see help a man’s diamond and help him  become the best version of himself. This will make him appreciate you and not want to be without you. 

How To Communicate To a Man You Appreciate His Diamond

Now that you’ve learned the top techniques for discovering a man’s diamond, what’s the next step? 

First, point it out. Tell him, you know, “You’re amazing at ____. I love that about you.” 

Don’t stop there. Show him you’re really impressed with him. Ask him questions about his unique gift or talent and talk to him about it. 

Invest your time to help him see this part of himself and think about how you can be helpful.

Ask yourself, “How can I be helpful or a great partner?” If he is a fantastic chef, search online, “What do partners of the top chefs do?” Learn what you can do to support him in that role. If you are by his side and appreciate his diamond, a high-quality man will miss you and support you in following your own dreams… 

When I first started dating Kathy (who is now my wife), she told me she appreciated my level of drive and hustle. Not only did she notice this part of me, but she helped me see it myself and become a better man for it. Thanks to her, I got the courage to leave my 9-5 job and become a dating coach.

The way Kathy was there for me made me fall deeper in love with her and realize that I couldn’t be without her. I missed her when she wasn’t around because she made me an amazing man. I wanted to be that way and feel the way she made me feel all the time. This is one of the many reasons I wanted her to be my wife and have her as my life partner. 

In Conclusion

Now that you’ve discovered the new secret to make any man miss you, you’ll be able to make the special guy in your life think about being with you all the time. He will want to be around you because you are the one person who really appreciates him and shows him all he has to do is be himself. 

Right now I want you to forget about those misfires and failed attempts at dating guys who broke your heart or weren’t right for you. And picture instead a generous, kind-hearted man who listens to you and wants to get to know who you are and what you care about. You’ve practiced appreciation and gratitude and you easily recognize his diamond.

After pointing out his unique gift, you tell him how impressed you are and ask him questions about it. Then you help him along the way. By appreciating who he is and his unique talent, he starts to see you in a new light. He needs you to be with him because he knows you bring out the best in him. In return, he supports you and your own passions.

You become a dream team, working together to help one another. You are partners in love and life… 

This relationship IS possible if you work for it. And I know you’re a smart, successful woman who works for everything and gets what she wants. I know you can do this. 

If you found this article intriguing then I have something else for you that I know you’ll love to hear about. I’ve been quietly working on a new project the past 6 months that gives you a deeper understanding of men’s feelings than anything else in the world.

It will help you dive deep into the waters of a man’s mind and see exactly what he’s looking for so you can attract almost any man. If you're interested, click here to learn more.

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